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FAQs about the Rad Hand+.

How do I turn on my Rad Hand+ device on?

Simply hold the red button on the side of the device until the welcome screen appears.

Does my Rad Hand+ device need batteries?

The Rad Hand+ does not need batteries. Your Rad Hand+ device will come with a charger. You can find the charging port on the bottom of the device near the tab.

What features does the Hand+ have when connected with the Rad Golf App?

Once the device connects to the mobile app, you will have the option to record shots, scores, and putts. When data is collected on the Hand+, your stats will sync to the app.

How do I know if my Hand+ is connected to my mobile device?

When the Rad Hand+ is connected to a mobile device, the Bluetooth logo on the top right of the screen will be blue. If the Bluetooth logo shows up white, this means that the Hand+ is not connected to any other devices.

How do I connect my Hand+ Device to my mobile app?

1. Go on your Rad App and scroll to the Hand+ and select “Register & Connect Device” 2. Wait until the red “Connect” button on app brightens the press. 3. A pairing code will prompt on your Hand+. Enter this code into the screen on the app. 4. The...

Can I find my lost Hand+ device on my app?

Yes! If you lost your Hand+, go to your Rad App. 1. Click “Device Menu” 2. Click “Locate”. Then you will be able to view the Last Known Location on the map. 3. the “Mark As Lost” will alert Rad’s system that the device is lost. If someone tries to...

How do I disconnect my Hand+ from my mobile device?

1. In the app, click “Device Menu” 2. Click “Settings” 3. Click “Unregister Device” then “Yes” 4. Then go into settings and find Rad Hand+ and “Forget Device” 5. Your device is fully disconnected from your phone.